

At the Fairfield Chiropractic Clinic we encourage health for the whole family. We provide care for all stages of life. From infancy and childhood to young adulthood and pregnancy to mature adulthood, we’ll take care of you. We want you to feel comfortable and assured that you are in good hands. Take a look around our site, and if you have any questions feel free to contact us.

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Types of Care

Relief Care

Relief care is for reducing pain stiffness and general discomfort. Many people initially arrive in a chiropractic office for this type of care.

Corrective Care

Pain is usually the last symptom to appear and the first to leave. A lack of pain doesn’t necessarily mean the problem is corrected. Corrective care seeks to fix the source of the problem so that it doesn’t return.

Wellness Care

Sometimes called preventative or maintenance care, wellness care is the maintenance of the spine. Through routine spinal check-ups you can ensure that your spine stays healthy.

The type of care you receive is entirely up to you. Dr. Meeks will make recommendations based on your individual condition, and you can choose the options that work best for you. Your preferences are important to us and we will try our best provide you with the care you want and need.


Office hours

Monday 8 AM - 5 PM Tuesday 2 PM - 6 PM Wednesday 8 AM - 5 PM Thursday 2 PM - 6 PM Friday 8 AM - 3 PM


1111 W. Delaware Street Fairfield, IL 62837